1. Thomalla G, Cheng B, Ebinger M, Hao Q, Tourdias T, Wu O, Kim JS, Breuer L, Singer OC, Warach S, Christensen S, Treszl A, Forkert ND, Galinovic I, Rosenkranz M, Engelhorn T, Köhrmann M, Endres M, Kang DW, Dousset V, Sorensen AG, Liebeskind DS, Fiebach JB, Fiehler J, Gerloff C; STIR and VISTA Imaging Investigators. DWI-FLAIR mismatch for the identification of patients with acute ischaemic stroke within 4•5 h of symptom onset (PRE-FLAIR): a multicentre observational study. Lancet Neurol. 2011 Nov;10(11):978-86.
2. Cheng B, Ebinger M, Kufner A, Köhrmann M, Wu O, Kang DW, Liebeskind D, Tourdias T, Singer OC, Christensen S, Warach S, Luby M, Fiebach JB, Fiehler J, Gerloff C, Thomalla G; Stroke Imaging Repository (STIR) Investigators. Hyperintense vessels on acute stroke fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging: associations with clinical and other MRI findings. Stroke. 2012 Nov;43(11):2957-61.
3. Kudo K, Christensen S, Sasaki M, Ostergaard L, Shirato H, Ogasawara K, Wintermark M, Warach S; For the Stroke Imaging Repository (STIR) Investigators, Accuracy and Reliability Assessment of CT and MR Perfusion Analysis Software Using a Digital Phantom. Radiology. 2012 267(1):201-11.
4. Cheng B, Brinkmann M, Forkert ND, Treszl A, Ebinger M, Köhrmann M, Wu O, Kang DW, Liebeskind DS, Tourdias T, Singer OC, Christensen S, Luby M, Warach S, Fiehler J, Fiebach JB, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, on behalf of the STIR and VISTA Imaging Investigators. Quantitative measurements of relative fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) signal intensities in acute stroke for the prediction of time from symptom onset. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2013 Jan;33(1):76-84.
5. Scalzo F, Alger JR, Saver JL, Dani KA, Muir KW, Demchuk AM, Coutts SB, Luby M, Liebeskind DS, on behalf of the STIR and VISTA Imaging Investigators. Multi-center prediction of hemorrhagic transformation in acute ischemic stroke using permeability imaging features. Magn Reson Imaging. 2013 Jul;31(6):961-9.
6. Wintermark M, Warach SJ, on behalf of the STIR and VISTA Imaging Investigators. Acute stroke imaging research roadmap II and international survey of acute stroke imaging capabilities: we need your help! AJNR 2013 Sep;34(9):1671.
7. Wintermark M, Albers GW, Broderick JP, Demchuk AM, Fiebach JB, Fiehler J, Grotta JC, Houser G, Jovin TG, Lees KR, Lev MH, Liebeskind DS, Luby M, Muir KW, Parsons MW, von Kummer R, Wardlaw JM, Wu O, Yoo AJ, Alexandrov AV, Alger JR, Aviv RI, Bammer R, Baron JC, Calamante F, Campbell BC, Carpenter TC, Christensen S, Copen WA, Derdeyn CP, Haley EC Jr, Khatri P, Kudo K, Lansberg MG, Latour LL, Lee TY, Leigh R, Lin W, Lyden P, Mair G, Menon BK, Michel P, Mikulik R, Nogueira RG, Ostergaard L, Pedraza S, Riedel CH, Rowley HA, Sanelli PC, Sasaki M, Saver JL, Schaefer PW, Schellinger PD, Tsivgoulis G, Wechsler LR, White PM, Zaharchuk G, Zaidat OO, Davis SM, Donnan GA, Furlan AJ, Hacke W, Kang DW, Kidwell C, Thijs VN, Thomalla G, Warach SJ, on behalf of the STIR and VISTA Imaging Investigators. Acute Stroke Imaging Research Roadmap II. Stroke. 2013 Sep;44(9):2628-39.
8. Wintermark M, Albers GW, Broderick JP, Demchuk AM, Fiebach JB, Fiehler J, Grotta JC, Houser G, Jovin TG, Lees KR, Lev MH, Liebeskind DS, Luby M, Muir KW, Parsons MW, von Kummer R, Wardlaw JM, Wu O, Yoo AJ, Alexandrov AV, Alger JR, Aviv RI, Bammer R, Baron JC, Calamante F, Campbell BC, Carpenter TC, Christensen S, Copen WA, Derdeyn CP, Haley EC Jr, Khatri P, Kudo K, Lansberg MG, Latour LL, Lee TY, Leigh R, Lin W, Lyden P, Mair G, Menon BK, Michel P, Mikulik R, Nogueira RG, Ostergaard L, Pedraza S, Riedel CH, Rowley HA, Sanelli PC, Sasaki M, Saver JL, Schaefer PW, Schellinger PD, Tsivgoulis G, Wechsler LR, White PM, Zaharchuk G, Zaidat OO, Davis SM, Donnan GA, Furlan AJ, Hacke W, Kang DW, Kidwell C, Thijs VN, Thomalla G, Warach SJ, on behalf of the STIR and VISTA Imaging Investigators. Acute Stroke Imaging Research Roadmap II. AJNR. 2013 Sep;34(9):e113.
9. Artzi M, Aizenstein O, Jonas-Kimchi T, Bornstein N, Shopin L, Hallevi H, Ben Bashat D, on behalf of the STIR and VISTA Imaging Investigators Classification of Lesion Area in Stroke Patients During the Subacute Phase: A Multiparametric MRI Study. Magn Reson Med. 2013 Nov 14. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25031.
10. Leigh R, Jen SS, Hillis AE, Krakauer JW, Barker PB, on behalf of the STIR and VISTA Imaging Investigators. Pretreatment Blood Brain Barrier Damage and Post Treatment Intracranial Hemorrhage in Patients Receiving IV tPA. Stroke. 2014 Jul;45:2030-2035.
11. Schrӧder J, Cheng B, Ebinger M, Kӧhrmann M, Wu O, Kang DW, Liebeskind DS, Tourdias T, Singer OC, Christensen S, Campbell B, Luby M, Warach S, Fiehler JB, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, STIR and VISTA Imaging Investigators. Validity of acute stroke lesion volume estimation by diffusion-weighted imaging-Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomographic Score depends on lesion location in 496 patients with middle cerebral artery stroke. Stroke. 2014 Dec;45:3583-8.
12. Rekik I, Allassonnière S, Luby M, Carpenter TK, Wardlaw JM. Phase-based metamorphosis of diffusion lesion in relation to perfusion values in acute ischemic stroke. Neuroimage. 2015 Aug;9:44-9.
13. Warach SJ, Luby M, Albers GW, Bammer R, Bivard A, Campbell BC, Derdeyn C, Heit JJ, Khatri P, Lansberg MG, Libeskind DS, Majoie CB, Marks MP, Menon BK, Muir KW, Parsons MW, Vagal A, Yoo Aj, Alexandrov AV, Baron JC, Fiorella DJ, Furlan AJ, Puig J, Schellinger PD, Wintermark M, Stroke Imaging Research (STIR) and VISTA-Imaging Investigators. Acute Stroke Imaging Research Roadmap III Imaging Selection and Outcomes in Acute Stroke Reperfusion Clinical Trials: Consensus Recommendations and Further Research Priorities. Stroke. 2016 May;47:1389-98.